
On Instagram today:

I used to have this recurring nightmare about a tornado roaring down the big hill behind our house, destroying everything in its path. I would wake up in a cold sweat and sneak into my parent’s room just to make sure everyone was still there. As an adult I have all of these tornado-like thoughts…self doubt, worry about the kids, our futures, finances, and it’s as paralyzing as my childhood nightmare. Today took some wind out of my sails, nothing serious or earth shattering, but it’s hard all the same. I proclaimed 2018 as the best year yet, so holding myself to my own word I’m going to blast my fav Spotify station, make the kids a pizza for dinner (and eat half of it because pizza is life), and focus on the positives because there are too many to count. I’m my biggest fan and best friend but also my own worst enemy, and right now I’m choosing to punch myself right in the face, give myself grace, and find the happy in today. The best thing about bottoming out is there’s only one way to go, and that’s up. Photo of Matteo and I in Death Valley because I love traveling with my fam more than pizza. And that says a lot. #nomoretornados
