Roseville Family Photography | Danielle + Family

Beautiful golden sunset? Check.

Crazy fun family? Check.

I love when people show up ready to party for their family sessions. Like, let loose, hair flying around, let the kids play, good times. These are definitely my favorite kind of folks!

Family Photos Roseville areaRoseville Family PhotographerRoseville Family PhotographerRoseville Family PhotographyFun Family Photography RosevilleRoseville Family Photography

I met Danielle through this wonderful career called photography. She is a super awesome photographer in the Sac area. She has even shot a wedding with me in Tahoe (thank you again Danielle!) I love the community of photographers here in town. Working as a self employed artist can feel like living on an island, so when I meet fun people like Danielle I get really happy.

roseville family photography – documenting your family as they are!

She and her family met me for sunset photos to capture some images showing who they are now. Her lively crew hiked around the hillside with me and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the kids entertain us all! They really do love each other. I recommend letting the kids run around and I find they respond best to me subtly directing them into position and encouraging natural interactions. If they feel stifled they most often rebel 😉 Relaxed parents are awesome. This always makes for the very best photos. My no-tantrum, no tears, no fuss method is basically “let it be” like the Beatles said. Or “let it go”? One or the other is what works! Taking family photos is supposed to be fun and I enjoy spending time with your kids.


roseville family photography

