Davis Family Photography | Julienne + Family at Sunset

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Julienne is a very sweet, talented photographer. I first met her in 2017. Her family is amazing and I love photographing these kids. They have so much spirit and personality. They are also incredibly kind. Their oldest daughter is a wonderful singer. Their son is smart as a whip and loves video games. The littlest is the family princess. She is loved fiercely and fiercely loves.

Seeing families again and again is a treasure. I never take it for granted. The comfort of wandering, talking, and photographing a familiar face is lovely. When I get to know a family I feel connected to them forever. Chatting about our kids, school, vacations, and family life is precious. I cannot thank Julienne and her family for trusting me to photograph them over and over. The easy way this family gets along makes my job incredibly easy. They laugh and play and are so happy together. It makes me want to barrel in the middle for a big group hug.

why davis family photography

We chose this location in Davis for the scenery and because Julienne frequents here. She feels connected to this place and hopefully more connected to her final images. This level of personal connection is not to be discounted. I often photograph families in pretty fields and beautiful spots with views, but nothing compares to a pretty spot with some history. We can have the best of both worlds in family photography. Keeping focus on personalizing a session as much as possible means the gallery is meaningful. Meaning is everything. At the end of the day the memories and the people are all that matter. If I can play a very small part in aligning the memories and the people in some beautiful sun-filled images, then I consider that a huge win.


davis family photography
